Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Ezine Gıda İhtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Meslek Yüksekokulu

General İnformation

Our school started its education and training activities in 1994-1995 academic year in two programs: Business Administration and Computerized Accounting. In the 2022-2023 academic year, our school continues education with approximately 1000 students, including formal education in Foreign Trade, Food Quality Control and Analysis, Public Relations and Publicity, Business Management, Accounting and Tax Applications, Marketing, Dairy and Products Technology, Land Registry and Cadastre, Tourism and Travel Services Programs. The Food Analysis Laboratory, whose installation was completed, was put into service as of September 2012.

Our Vocational School consists of 35 offices, 1 meeting room with a capacity of 16 people, 1 guest lecturer room, 4 classrooms with a capacity of 30 students, 8 classrooms with a capacity of 48 students, 2 classrooms with a capacity of 72 students, 1 conference hall with a capacity of 209 people, 2 computer laboratories with 80 computers, 1 Food Analysis Laboratory, 144 m² area with 7621 books and 10 computers with internet connection, Outdoor Sports Area (Volleyball, Basketball, Mini Football Area) Canteen, Dining Hall, 2 prayer rooms, 1 archive, 1 system room and 1 heating boiler room / warehouse. In addition, there is an "Eduroam" infrastructure in Yahya Çavuş Campus to provide 24-hour internet access for the use of students. Our School of Higher Education has adopted the principle of student-centered education and has adopted the principle of bringing individuals who have a broad vision, sensitive to the environment, committed to Atatürk's Principles and Reforms, modern, responsible individuals to the society with the education staff of academicians who are experts in their fields. Our students can find job opportunities in various non-governmental organizations as well as public and private sectors, and internship practice enables them to be permanent in the institutions where they do internship. In our school, social and cultural activities are organized for the personal development of our students at certain intervals.

Students who successfully complete our school and get enough points in DGS have the right to continue to 4-year undergraduate programs. In addition, they have the right to enroll in Anadolu University Open Education Faculty without an exam and receive a bachelor's degree from programs related to their branches. The language of instruction of our school is Turkish. The duration of education is 2 years (4 semesters). Those who successfully complete the 2-year education and training program and internship are awarded an associate degree diploma.

*** As Ezine Vocational School, we have bilateral cooperation, Erasmus and Internship agreements with Barnfield College from England and we offer our students the opportunity to study in England. An example of the agreement is as follows.