Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi
Ezine Gıda İhtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Meslek Yüksekokulu

Academic Staff

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Academic Staff
Title Name Surname Department Extension No E-Mail Address
Assistant Professor Mustafa EKİCİ School Director 133 mustafa.ekicicomu.edu.tr
Assistant Professor Aslı BEK

Deputy School Director /

Head of Management and Organization Department

149 asliguzelcomu.edu.tr
Associate Professor Hasan GÜL Head of Accounting and Taxation Department 140 hasangulcomu.edu.tr
Associate Professor Engin MEYDAN Department of Food Processing 146 enginmeydancomu.edu.tr
Assistant Professor Şehnaz ÖZATAY Head of Food Processing Department 144 sehnazozataycomu.edu.tr
Assistant Professor Emel CAN Head of Travel Tourism and Leisure Services Department 148 emelcancomu.edu.tr
Assistant Professor Özlem ELMALI Department of Accounting and Taxation 117 ozlemelmalicomu.edu.tr
Assistant Professor Dilvin İPEK Department of Food Processing 112 dilvinipekcomu.edu.tr
Assistant Professor İsmail Onur TUNÇ Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning 147 onurtunccomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Doctor Eda KESKİN USLU Department of Food Processing 114 eda.keskinuslucomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Doctor Selda GÜVEN Department of Travel Tourism and Leisure Services 141 seldacomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Celal Selim BİNAY Acting Head of the Department Foreign Trade  142 celalselimbinaycomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Doctor Şükran DENİZ DOĞANAY Department of Management and Organization 116 sukrandenizdoganaycomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Ümit TEKİN Department of Management and Organization  143 umittekin17comu.edu.tr
Lecturer Erhan ÇİTİL Department of Marketing and Advertising (13-b/4 Ayvacık VS) 110 erhancitilcomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Nahide Övgü DEMİRAL Department of Travel Tourism and Leisure Services 111 ovgudemiralcomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Gülşah BARUK BULUT Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution  115 gulsahbarukcomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Muhittin EKİCİ Department of Foreign Trade 118 mekicicomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Çisem ÖĞE Department of Food Processing 150 cisemogecomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Doctor Selin YILMAZ BALKANER Department of Travel Tourism and Leisure Services 141 selinyilmazcomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Giray ÖĞE Department of Management and Organization  113 girayogecomu.edu.tr
Lecturer M.İlker GÜLCEMAL Department of Marketing and Advertising  139 ilkergulcemalcomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Şaziye Ceren ULUPINAR Acting Head of the Department of Marketing and Advertising  135 cerenuzunaycomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Ezgi YIKICI Head of Food Processing Department 135 ezgiyikicicomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Doctor Serpil ATEŞ AYDAR Department of Architecture and Urban Planning 136 serpilatescomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Nagehan TÜRKSEVEN Department of Architecture and Urban Planning 136 nagehan.turksevencomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Doctor Merve Gözde DURMAZ Department of Marketing and Advertising  109 mervegozde.durmazcomu.edu.tr
Lecturer Gülce TOK Department of Marketing and Advertising  119 gulce.tokcomu.edu.tr